Still grieving…

I just realized I haven’t posted anything in 4 months.  Are we OK now, and just decided to close this chapter/blog? The answer is NO.

It’s been 9 months since our little one left this world. And sometimes it seems it was so long ago. And so many days I can still feel that she’s here with us.  Maya arrived in March, and that little rascal brought a breeze of fresh air, and a ticket for another roller-coaster ride!!  That’s another story, but she has certainly kept us super busy, getting her health back on track.

I’m totally convinced that Frida came to our lives to teach us many things. I am so grateful for everything I have learned about taking care of a sick dog, because it has been very useful for us. And in the middle of our new challenges, Frida’s name always comes during our conversations. There are so many memories and so many years that we shared with her. Sometimes we call Maya “Frida”! Poor Maya, she must wonder who was that dog who is constantly mentioned by her humans.

Frida was robbed so many years from us, and I will always wonder:  Why? But I guess the answer would be: Why not?  But what it’s true is that a dog leaves a profound footprint in the heart. Their absence is hard to live with, and their memory is so cherished, that is hard to believe that an animal can provoke those feelings. And then is when you realize that they are not just an “animal”.  If you open your heart, you will discover the purest, most amazing friendship, an infinite loyalty, the most sincere forgiveness, and the most genuine love for life.

My Frida, your memory still brings tears to my eyes. We haven’t forgotten you. You are so alive in our hearts. We miss you so much at night, when the quiet moment finally arrives and we wonder how you are doing. We know that you are happy and healthy now, but we still miss you girl! You were my sunshine, my little darling, my companion, my little furry girl. We were blessed by having you in our lives, and we know that you must be pleased to see that those two inexperienced humans, who barely knew how to take care of a puppy, are giving Maya a chance to live the same life that you were so lucky to have.

Our first summer without you is coming to an end. Soon we will close the cycle of the first year. It will never be easy, but certainly time helps to heal.

I love you Frida, and miss you to the moon and back!

Whistler, Rainbow Park, Summer 2011 & 2012


“It’s hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember”~Unknown

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