A New Season Is Here

It seems that after almost a month of being so sick Frida has decided that she wants to make the most of her canine existence. She is active, perky, frisky, and full of energy!  This brings so much needed fresh air to our life, after being overwhelmed by all sort of bad news.  Every zoomie, every slipper stolen and every jump over the sofa brightens our heart.

This has been basically the first week of treatment.   Frida is feeling great.  Every second day she gets a gourmet breakfast: kibbles, two wet food balls (with the secret ingredients) and a spoon of pumpkin puree.  I think she looks forward to those days! She’s not showing any side effects, and even the response to the diuretic has been mild;  I thought she was going to need urgently to pee all day long, but that has not been the case.

So just as the spring is arriving, we are also starting a new season with Frida that will last as long as we can keep the cancer dormant.   Is this the calm before the storm?  It’s a very bitter sweet feeling. She is so alive and at the same time she’s carrying a fatal disease.  Sometimes I wonder: Did we get the right diagnosis?  And if there was a mistake? Is Frida going to beat the odds?  I’m embracing that ray of light, and I’m wishing,praying, that she will live longer than the statistics and doctors have predicted.

This journey has been all about living the moment.  Whenever I catch my thoughts wandering way long into the future, I stop and say out loud:  “That’s not happening now, today [and here I fill in our current situation, usually a very positive one]”  And I feel much better.  This journey has been about gratitude. Every night I thank God for letting her live one more day.

I’m happy to say that we have had a great week.  Thank you all for your support and love!

“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”  – Anatole France

Before going for a walk

2 thoughts on “A New Season Is Here

  1. Dear Vero and Mark
    Thinking of my little dog Rosie I know Anatole France’s quote is absolutely true for me.
    I found this article which is a nice meditation on dogs as our teachers…

    3 Things My Dog Taught Me About Life


    “Change and loss are part of life. Although both can be painful they often push us into a greater understanding of what truly matters.

    Over the past couple of years dramatic changes have turned my life upside down. After layoffs, a break-up, and a battle with addiction, I thought everything would finally be just fine. But then a few weeks ago my dog was diagnosed with cancer.

    This experience has shown me what really matters. I’m no longer obsessed with trying to make things happen. What matters most is “living” life and making each moment count. Here are the lessons I have learned from my dog.

    1. Time Matters

    I spent so much time trying to be somewhere else. In another job another relationship, another place. In my effortless pursuit to get to the “greener grass” I was missing life. It wasn’t until my dog was diagnosed with a life threatening disease that I realized the grass I was standing on just needed a little water.

    We always say, “I don’t have enough time.” But what we are really saying is, “I’m choosing to spend my time on this other thing.” I did this all the time. But now I savor every moment. I don’t know how much time I have left with my dog — an hour, a day, a week, or a month — but I know I have this moment. And the time I spend with him right now is what truly matters.

    2. The Present Moment Counts

    I believe that we always have enough time, money, and energy for what is most important to us. And disease, divorce, or the death of a loved one are all jarring reminders about what really matters most. Life happens and forever rushes forward. The present moment is what we have so choose happiness and love right now.

    3. Choose Love

    What do you want more then anything else in the world? I’m not talking about a material thing or an achievement. The answer is love.

    Know that you have all the love you need. Rather than look to food, work, exercise, sex, or other destructive places for love, we need to look within — it’s all there!

    Yes, my dog is sick. But he’s still here. I can still hold his hand and cuddle with him. It’s these moments that really matter. I don’t know how much time I have with my furry friend — minutes, hours, days, or months. What I do know is I have this moment and in this moment I choose love. “


    • Chris,
      Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful article. That describes our life right now! Thank you for reading my blog and for sharing words of support. Hugs!!!


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